Satsang with SHANTI + ANSSI
–Shanti Kendra - Zentrum für ganzheitliche Psychologie
Heilig-Geist-Str. 8, 83022 Rosenheim, DeutschlandSatsang with Shanti and Anssi in Rosenheim
Entry: 70,-€
Advance booking recommended:
Email to team@shanti-satsang.de
Satsang is always unique – like this moment. Satsang is a gathering of people in search of their True Nature. To be with an awakened master is helping you to experience the Self beyond the mind. Concepts and imaginations, which have their roots in the mind, can be dropped and the True Self can be recognized. In this Satsang you have the opportunity to even meet two spiritual teachers. For the first time, Shanti and Anssi will be holding Satsang together and you are heartily welcome to participate!