Open Satsang at Silent Retreat, Bad Vöslau (Vienna)
–Akash, Shanti Family Home Austria
Bahnstraße 1-3, 2540 Bad Vöslau, Österreich“You do not need to learn, realize or achieve anything. Nothing is necessary. You do not have the right to anything, nor is there a way or an aim to get to. There is only You in the Silence of this very moment. In this lies the ultimate fulfilment and this is the source of all Love.” Shanti
In Satsang it is about the discovery of reality beyond all thoughts, problems and illusions. There is the opportunity to ask questions about all kinds of topics. Through the unique energy, diverse problems can be looked through and, therefore, solved in a surprisingly simple way.
recommended donation 20,00 EUR
Information: team@shanti-satsang.de
You can find more Information about the Ashram here.