Online Satsang Special with Shanti (german)
Online, Live, Über ZoomShanti will hold this Satsang live on the Internet via “Zoom”.
Here you have the opportunity to meet Shanti on a live and interactive platform, where you can just watch and enjoy the energy or speak directly with Shanti.
This special Satsang with Shanti is in German. You are also very welcome to ask questions about any topic that is relevant for you, including the Coronavirus outbreak.
Information about participation:
After your registration and payment via Eventbrite, you will get the access link for the Online Live Satsang via email shortly before the event starts.
More information about participating via “Zoom” will be posted here and on Shanti’s homepage in the coming days, and sent out in our newsletter.
For further questions please send an email to:
Price info:
30 € + (2,50 € Eventbrite fee)
Please note when ordering a ticket that one ticket is valid per viewer. If you want to participate with more people on one screen, we kindly ask you to take this into account.
This event will be audio- and videorecorded. By participating you agree to a potential publication of the material.